Food Allergies and Food Sensitivities – An Enzyme Deficit
There’s a great video making the internet rounds of late, produced by Jimmy Kimmel. A reporter goes to the streets of Los Angeles, asking random people if they are gluten-free and if so, to define gluten. Among the answers are: (1) I don’t know, (2) gluten is a flour derivative, (3) it’s in bread and pastries, (4) it’s a grain, right?, and (5) it’s in wheat such as bread, pasta and rice. Perhaps, the most telling is the answer given by a person who stopped eating gluten at the suggestion of her roommate who was “reading a book about it” and says, “it makes you fat!”, without any idea how to define gluten. The video clip is funny, yet seriously disturbing at the same time. People are making decisions about health and nutrition lifestyle based on hearsay or the latest and greatest trend for weight loss, without having even the remotest idea about why or how. Weight loss and “being thin” are equated with being healthy. Diet and exercise regimens, often promoted by celebrities, are a means to look good, without any consideration for the short term or long term consequences of a chosen path. This is especially true for gluten, food sensitivities and food allergies, and the science of cell nourishment in general.
For those of you who are interested to know more, the bulk of the seed of a cereal grain is the endosperm, which warehouses nutrients for the developing embryo. These nutrients are oil, starch and protein, without which the plant embryo does not survive. The endosperm provides carbon, nitrogen and sulfur resources for germination. These nutrients are extremely important for the human cell as well. Any nutrients in the germ or the bran are part of the structure of the germ or the bran; they are nutrients for plant growth and development and have little impact on human cell function. In addition, insoluble fiber in the germ and the bran makes nutrients in the germ and in the bran inaccessible to human enzymes and prevents release of the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur resources from the endosperm to support human cell metabolism, including cell growth and development.
Proteins in the endosperm consist of albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins. Albumins and globulins are soluble in water. Prolamins and glutelins are not soluble in water, which gives them unique properties, like making dough elastic, but insolubility in water means they are more difficult for the human body to process. While gluten in wheat (Figure 1), which is a combination of the prolamin, gliadin and the glutelin, glutenin, is the most thoroughly studied of the insoluble plant proteins, all cereal grains with an endosperm, including barley, oats, rye, teff, amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, spelt, kamut, rice, sorghum, millet, corn and rice, contain proteins that are insoluble in water and bound to starch in the endosperm. While the terminology is quite confusing, going gluten-free, does not mean simply avoiding wheat. And while avoiding wheat and/or other grains may be helpful in

relieving symptoms, there are serious long term consequences to this decision. Going gluten free trades one problem for another with the substitution of other grains, which contain heavy metals such as cesium, cadmium or tellurium, use of bean flours which contain phytic acid, malic acid and salicylic acid, which create blockage forming salt crystals in the body, and the use of nut flours, which contain hydrocyanic acid (cyanide), high amounts of silicate salts and the heavier minerals, molybdenum and vanadium, which both inhibit and destroy cellular enzymes. A person with celiac disease does not prevent long-term complications by simply avoiding gluten. A person with food sensitivities and food allergies does not prevent chronic disease by simply avoiding the offending food.
Plant prolamins and glutelins are a rich source of the twenty essential and non-essential amino acids, especially glutamine and proline, arginine, tryptophan, lysine, and histidine. Amino acids are important for proper human cell function, including the production of collagen, hormones, glandular secretions and neurotransmitters. Most importantly, gluten speeds up the production of many enzymes, including carboxylase, which supports the efficient processing of starch, oil, protein and sugars in both plants and humans. This makes gluten essential for healthy thyroid function, healthy skin, healthy bones, healthy intestines and normal fertility. Without the benefit of the components of the endosperm, the thyroid system in a human body cannot be fully functional. So, without an understanding of cell nourishment, the very thing a person needs to maintain an optimal weight and optimal cell function is eliminated from the diet. It is not gluten making a person fat. It is the inability to fully process the gluten and the starch in the endosperm that is making a person fat, leaving sticky, gooey metabolic waste to clog the fat burning system in the cells. Why? Because the cells of a person who does not have the ability to reduce the starch and prolamins and glutelins of the endosperm to nutrient elements, now has large protein and starch molecules circulating in the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. These large molecules are useless to the cells, choke the metabolic machinery and are designated for disposal. Removal of this metabolic trash stimulates an immune response, measured as antibodies to a specific protein on a blood test or a positive response on skin testing. In addition to diagnostic measurements, the “allergic” or “sensitivity” response is manifested by a wide range of symptoms, including gas, bloating, esophageal reflux, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, fatigue, itching, skin rashes or acne, hives, psoriasis, eczema, headaches, asthma, joint aches and weight gain.
Eliminating the offending food may or may not eliminate the symptoms and definitely does not get to the root cause of the problem. The fundamental problem with all food sensitivities and allergies is the same: there is an inability to reduce large food molecules to small nutrient elements used by human cells in day to day function. Reducing food to nutrient elements requires cellular enzymes, also known as metabolic enzymes. Cellular enzymes are much more than “digestive enzymes”. Chewing and exposure to digestive juices breaks food into smaller chunks, but these smaller chunks are not what the human cell requires. The small chunks are transported into cells of the small intestine, where the enzyme machinery reduces chunks of starch, protein or sugar to amino acids and simple sugars for transport to the liver. One of the major enzymes involved in this process is an enzyme called tissue transglutaminase (tTG). Gluten sensitivity, food sensitivities, food allergies and full blown celiac disease are the result of the small intestinal cells having an enzyme system that is inadequate to completely break down large food molecules into the piece parts used by the liver and other cells to manufacture the products of cellular metabolism, like structural proteins, structural carbohydrates and structural fats. Beside the fact that no food is safe to consume, requiring foods to be selected accordingly, it is critically important to understand the underlying issue with food sensitivities and food allergies is not the food, but the enzyme status of the person who is consuming the food.
Food sensitivities and foods allergies are the result of an enzyme deficit. The antibody response is not as much the body attacking itself as it is a normal response to something which is not supposed to be there. Enzymes, such as tTG, attempting to process the gooey mess are destroyed in the process, become involved in the immune response and are now abnormal enzymes that have to be removed as part of a normal body defense and repair system. What appears to be the body "attacking" itself”, is, therefore, appearance only. Scientific truth lies beneath the observation. The “allergic response” is a cry for help from the cells. A person can eliminate the offending foods and supplement with prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, herbs and even specific amino acids, like glutamine. However, if tissue transglutaminase and the thousands of other protein processing enzymes are not available in adequate, functioning amounts, supplemental support itself becomes more solid metabolic garbage inside the cell. It is metabolic enzymes, not supplements that drive cell metabolism.
These enzymes are called metabolic enzymes. If there are not enough metabolic enzymes to process any given protein, there is a high likelihood that other proteins are not being processed. This is why food allergy testing usually shows antibodies to many foods, often those that are most frequently consumed. And if proteins are not being processed adequately, there is a high likelihood that starches, oils and sugars are not being processed adequately either. Cells are not properly repairing, renewing or growing in a person with food allergies and food sensitivities, making a person chronically ill, with daily symptoms and chronic dis-ease. As time passes, inability to process any given food leads to fewer and fewer foods that can be tolerated, with a body more and more compromised in its function.
If a person with food allergies and food sensitivities wants to reverse course and be optimally healthy, the root cause of the disease must be addressed. This means correcting the underlying enzyme deficit by building an enzyme template and eating for an enzyme surplus every meal of every day. In addition, therapeutic medicines must be used to dissolve solid waste that is stuck inside the cells because, over the course of years and even decades of living with an enzyme deficit, unprocessed food has built up as solid waste inside the body, with no means of getting out, forming calcifications and plaque both inside and outside of the cells. Hard, calcified cells and tissues cannot and do not function.
Enzymes are not obtained by taking a pill or a capsule. Metabolic enzymes for a human cell as not made by plants or obtained by eating plant based foods. Enzymes are built inside each cell from a code contained in the genes. Genes are either inherited or altered during the course of a person’s lifetime. Genes that are inherited have been corrupted over thousands of lifetimes of diseases that were never cured. During any given lifetime, exposures to animal and insect bites, parasites, viruses, bacteria, prescription medication, herbal medication, heavy metals, inhalants, radium, ultraviolet radiation, and chemicals of all kinds, including natural carcinogens and natural chemicals in foods and other consumables, prevents the proper translation of information from the gene to the RNA for construction of enzymes in the proper shape and in the proper amount. Blocking genetic information, whether hereditary or contemporary, creates an electrical dead zone in the genetic code. This dead zone can only be restored using the principle of electrolytic dissociation discussed in previous articles. The principle of electrolytic dissociation is used to prepare FDA approved homoeopathic medicines that are an electrical energy match to the electric dead zone, restoring electricity in the gene. Restoring electricity removes the block from the gene and allows all the encoded information to be passed through proper channels and construct proper enzymes. Therapeutic products produced using dilution and succussion are called homoeopathic medicines and are used by a licensed Homoeopath or licensed Symptometrist to correct both hereditary and contemporary abnormalities in the genetic code. Using homoeopathic medicine is critical to building an enzyme template for cure of celiac disease, food allergies, food sensitivities and food intolerances.
As blockage to translation of genetic information is removed, a person must eat and live according to the science of cell nourishment to prevent electrical dead zones in the gene from recurring and to prevent unprocessed solid chemical waste from reaccumulating inside the body. To access the benefits of gluten, this means selecting organic wheat without the seed coat and without the bran, i.e. white wheat flour without bromates, without fortification, without ammonium compounds and without additional grains, like barley, which contains heavy metals, including cadmium and cesium. When the grain is consumed whole, insoluble fiber in the bran prevents starch and protein from being accessed by cellular enzymes. Fiber reduces the surface area of food molecules to which enzymes are exposed, giving little or no chance that gluten will be properly processed and assuring that insoluble fiber, starch and protein molecules are left behind to gum up the cellular machine. Gumming up cellular machinery is what make people fat and makes fat weight difficult to lose. Insoluble fiber inhibits proper processing of all foods. Insoluble fiber is not recommended for a person who wants to be optimally healthy. Processing wheat to remove the bran and the germ, followed by addition of yeast, proofing, salt, water, kneading, rising time for dough development and baking using moist heat, breaks down starch, separates starch from protein and prepares the wheat for its highest and best use in the human body. This is food science at its finest!
A person who is sensitive to gluten, has an allergic response to gluten, makes a conscious choice to eliminate gluten from the diet, has other food allergies or sensitivities, or has full blown celiac disease, has daily dysfunction and develops disease of poor collagen formation in all organ systems. Symptom treatment for weight gain, gas, bloating, fatigue, insomnia, migraines, gastroesophageal reflux, constipation, joint pain and brain fog by food elimination and supplemental support is an option, but neither treats the root cause of the problem nor prevents the development of gallbladder disease, irritable bowel disease, infertility, wrinkles, sagging skin, high blood pressure, hair loss, vision changes, poor teeth and gums, osteopenia and osteoporosis, joint pain and joint deformity, asthma, degenerative joint disease, spinal stenosis or cancer to name a few.
Celiac disease is curable. Food sensitivities and food allergies can be eliminated forever, applying the science of cell nourishment. Seek the help of a licensed symptometrist, familiar with the science governing cell function and gene expression, who can direct the use of FDA-approved therapeutic products to remove blockages from DNA, build an enzyme template, restore cell function, eliminate symptoms and prevent long-term consequences. Learn how to eat for an enzyme surplus applying the science of food selection and preparation to make foods safe to consume. Learn how to navigate the thousands of steps from nutrition to cell nourishment to live symptom-free in a disease-free body.