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Symptometry – Root Cause Therapeutics

From the dawn of civilization, life in a human body has not been easy. Meeting basic needs for clean air, clean water and non-poisonous food has been and continues to be a struggle for planet Earth’s population. As no written records exist of the several million years prior to 4000 - 5000 BCE, life on earth for early humans can only be imagined. Ancient human ancestors were hunters, gatherers, scavengers and foragers, dependent on insects, leftovers from the kill of beasts, or leaves, roots, flowers, bark and berries from surrounding vegetation. Early food experiments must have involved trial and error, with any given person becoming a “guinea pig”, likely driven by intense starvation. These experiments may have ended in a quick death, accompanied by profuse vomiting, diarrhea or bleeding, the result of acute food poisoning, or a slow, painful death accompanied by weight loss, loss of strength and loss of mind. Slow death was the result of malnutrition or parasite, worm, fungal, bacterial or viral infection, transmitted through raw food or carcasses that were consumed several days old. Early humans learned the hard way that nature was neither benevolent nor benign and that day-to-day survival required great care in the selection of foods.

Prehistoric life was truly “survival of the fittest”. The oldest known human ancestor, a hominid named Lucy, is thought to have lived about 3.2 million years ago. She was roughly 3 feet tall and had a very small brain. Besides being short of stature, prehistoric human ancestors were also generally infertile. Children of fertile unions usually did not reach their first birthday, dying for want of adequate nutrition, especially the B vitamins found in animal protein. While there is some dispute as to when this occurred, the controlled use of fire, approximately 1,000,000 years ago, was the turning point in human evolution. The use of fire to provide warmth, keep nighttime predators at bay and to cook and sterilize the food being consumed allowed for improved human fertility, taller human stature, development of a larger brain and increased life expectancy.

The struggle for health, however, was far from over. Written records appearing from the 4th to 5th millennium BCE onwards, detail continuous attempts to alleviate pain and suffering and to eradicate disease from the human condition. The Babylonians made salves and poultices for digestive issues, skin ailments and other maladies. The Egyptians added surgical techniques for the treatment of cataracts and bladder stones, including magical spells to ward off disease. Despite advanced techniques, diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer were prevalent in the Egyptian population. The Greeks added the doctrine of the four humors and the four elements. This led to the widespread practice of bloodletting, which persisted for 600 years at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, including three US Presidents, before finally falling into disrepute. In ancient Greece, large scale iatrogenic death (of or relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment) led to the Hippocratic doctrine, “first do no harm”. Enter Paracelsus in the 15th century, a chemist and physician, who saw disease as a poison in the body requiring a stronger poison for eradication. Paracelsean theory is the underlying precept in both modern pharmacology and hormetic theory, where a small amount of a poison, in stimulating a response from the body, is theorized to make the human system stronger. Physiologically, however, stimulation of a response does not equate to optimal health at the cellular level. Meeting the nutrient needs of the cell, not stimulation, keeps the cell optimally healthy.

Things began to change in the mid 19th century, when it was recognized by Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, a chemist, botanist and medical doctor, that, yes, all chemicals, minerals and other substances from Mother Nature are poisons, but “within that same poison is also a cure”. Experimentation and experience with dilution and succusion to prepare a drug, Dr. Hahnemann noted the poison effects of the substance disappeared and interestingly and amazingly, the diluted and succussed substance had the ability to cure a person of a specific disease. For the first time in the vocabulary of practitioners of healing arts, the word cure, rather than symptom relief was used. In its time, the homœopathic method of drug delivery was successful in curing cholera, migraine headache, syphilis and numerous cases of chemical poisoning from the allopathic drugs given to treat disease, including arsenic and mercury.

The discoveries of homœopathic medicine were followed in the 20th century by naturopathic practitioners, chiropractic physicians, osteopathic physicians, energy healers, body workers, supplement manufacturers, and traditional medicine practitioners. Shamans, herbalists, Ayurvedic practitioners and Chinese medicine practitioners started to play a larger role in Western medical therapy. The primary focus returned to diagnosis and management of disease, pain control and symptom relief. Chronic disease remains “incurable”. Almost 20% of the United States GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is spent on health care, yet 78 million Americans born between 1946 and 1964 are less likely to say they are in excellent health, compared to people born from 1922 and 1943 at the same age. As the baby boomer generation reaches their 8th decade starting in 2026, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease will have tripled. The human race may be technologically advanced, but millions of years later, is still riddled with mental and physical illness, pain, suffering, and death, generally from chronic, debilitating disease. Is it possible that mankind has forgotten Mother Nature is neither benevolent nor benign and that food must be selected with care and heat processed to prevent disease and create optimal health? Why are people still sick and spending trillions of dollars for traditional or alternative ways to relieve pain and suffering? Why is the struggle to either gain or lose weight a chronic health problem? Because …….

Until now .......... Until Symptometry ..........

Symptometry represents the life work of Maxwell Nartey, DHM, NHD, DSym, who was suffering with debilitating, incurable illness by 37 years of age. Dr. Nartey, raised in an herbalist tradition in Gabon and Ghana, had been sick since the age of six, unable to gain weight, always feeling cold and having daily morning nosebleeds. He was treated for malaria several times with quinine derivatives without success. He continued to have problems with daily nose bleeds, chronic acne, gum disorders, anemia, chronic sinusitis and bad breath, all side effects of the quinine drugs. Despite this, he managed to excel in school and completed a Master’s in linguistics, becoming a translator for the UN. His health, however, continued to deteriorate, to the point where, at age 37, he was a walking skeleton at 125 pounds, blowing his nose every five minutes, with severe fatigue to the point he could no longer function in his daily life. He consulted Western doctors and naturopathic physicians and even tried transcendental meditation. There was no diagnosis and no relief lasting more than a few days. With a strong will to live, both for himself and his family, Dr. Nartey was determined to get to the “root cause” of the multitude of problems. Meditation provided enough mental energy to switch careers and enroll at Medical Careers Institute in Chicago to study echocardiography. Thanks to the benevolence of one of his professors, he was given access to lecture notes and textbooks on anatomy, physiology, clinical sciences, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, general biology and organic chemistry, which he studied in exhausting detail. Still with no definitive answers, his wife suggested moving to Great Britain to live with his uncle and investigate homœopathy.

As he began coursework at the British Institute of Homœopathy and immersed himself in the homœopathic Materia Medica, Dr. Nartey, stumbled on a preparation that relieved his cold intolerance. This occurred in the context of classical homœopathy, which matches one remedy to all of a person’s symptoms. For Dr. Nartey, however, matching the treatment to a major symptom, cold susceptibility, was the start of recovery, and also a recognition that more than one homœopathic medicine might be required in certain circumstances. He was awarded a Doctorate in Homœopathy (DHM) and returned to the United States to obtain a Doctorate in Natural Health (NHD) at Clayton College in Birmingham Alabama. …..Then, the opportunity to study chromatography and quantum physics and the concepts of interconnection, interrelatedness and interdependence! ….. Suddenly everything about a person and life in a human body started to make sense! The pieces of the puzzle started coming together and Symptometry was born. All of the scientific disciplines he had studied to chart his own recovery merged into a therapeutic science through which the root cause of disease could be understood and addressed in a multidimensional way. Very importantly, Dr. Nartey had figured out the root cause of his own disease in health disruptors in the foods he had been consuming and in the medications used for treatment. Health disruptors are chemical structures that paralyze the machinery of human cellular function. Just as there are other chemical structures in the human body besides vitamins and minerals, so too there are chemical structures in all organic life that are species specific and toxic in interspecies exchange, as discussed in the previous blog article, "Sticks and Stones, "Lithiasis-The Root Cause of Disease". These chemicals are found in plant color, plant acids, plant heavy minerals, plant poisons, herbal medications, nutrient supplements, pharmaceutical drugs and recreational drugs. Even plant or animal protein, plant or animal starch, plant or animal sugar and plant or animal fat are health disrupters if there are inadequate numbers of enzymes (cell machinery) to fully reduce these foodstuffs to nutrient elements.

In addition, understanding the human body as a chemical reactor and an electrical generator, Dr. Nartey came to know that the waste products of chemical reaction produce dirty blood and solid particle blockages to blood and nutrient flow to cells. The blockages called protein granules, calculus, calcification, plaque, lithiasis, gouty deposits and calcareous deposits have been described in the medical literature and treated symptomatically for centuries. The significance of this “stone” or “rock” formation as an obstruction to nutrient flow has never been fully understood, until now. For the first time in human history, the root cause of disease can be addressed.

Dr. Nartey is disease-free and symptom-free for the last twenty five years. He carries a normal weight, is pain free, has normal digestive function and normal skin, has great energy, has healthy hair, has no body odor, has great mental focus and clarity and gets daily restorative sleep. Through his own healing process he continued chromatographic and quantum physics research in the analysis of foods, herbs, drugs and supplements. He has assisted many others in curing their diseases, including autism, infertility, heavy metal toxicity, hormonal issues, Lyme disease, HSV, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and Alzheimer’s disease. He has created a therapeutic registry for Symptometry treatment based on correlation diagnostics and the affinity principle. He also founded the American School of Symptometry and developed numerous programs of instruction for training therapeutic scientists to understand and treat disease at the root cause in dirty blood, also known as inflammation, and physical blockage to blood and nutrient flow to the cell caused by the waste of chemical reaction.

Cells are nourished by that of which they are made: water and elements. The elements are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and 26 minerals. The cells will not work if these elements are not provided in the proper form.

Foods and other substances contain the elements described above which nourish the cell, but also contain poisons and other health disrupters. There are thousands of chemical steps involved in getting nutrient elements to the cells, with numerous opportunities for something to go wrong along the way. Unless a person feels absolutely confident in what they are doing, there are many perils on the road to living symptom-free and disease-free in a human body. The guidance of a licensed Symptometrist is recommended to navigate this perilous world of chemicals.

Symptometry is applied therapeutic science addressing the root cause of disease at the cellular level, at the blood level and the level of the lymphatic system. This is much different from symptom treatment or symptom management.

Symptometry recognizes the symptom as the cell’s cry for help, and connects the symptom to dirty blood, which is like dirty engine oil, and lack of specific nutrients inside the cell. With the help of quantum physics and homœopathically derived particulates, blockages are “ionized”, blood is cleaned and nutrient flow is restored to the cells, which silences the symptom forever. Ionization is a fancy term for what happens when table salt or other chemicals completely dissolve into water, which requires the application of heat or friction. FDA approved particulates used by a licensed Symptometrist are derived by applying heat and friction during succussion, which reduces any substance from Mother Nature to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and 26 mineral elements, exactly what the cells need and use, without having to do any additional processing or produce additional waste. In a similar way, heat processing of food reduces chemicals to nutrient elements, reducing cell work, reducing cell waste and improving cell function.

To be optimally healthy, a person must go to the place where it all begins, the intersection between energy and matter: the cell. From there outward and back, Symptometry has carefully analyzed and integrated basic science to reveal the steps that must be taken by a dedicated student to satisfy the requirements for cell nourishment and the needs of a person as a multifaceted life form playing an integral role in the ecosystem of planet Earth. Optimal health requires eating for an enzyme surplus, eliminating food and other substances that contain health disrupters and the careful selection and heat processing of food based on information gained from chromatographic analysis. In this way, waste and debris is prevented from entering the body in the first place and a lot of the work that the cells would otherwise have to do has been done on the stove or in the oven. Optimal health requires supporting the best in oneself and others. This is nurturing, which provides positive energy, a major nutrient, on which the cells rely to grow and divide.

Achieving optimal health requires a shift away from nutrition and symptom treatment thinking to thinking about meeting the needs of the cell and the needs of a person made of both energy and matter. For optimal health, both energy and matter must be addressed, not just one or the other. The strategy for this is a complete lifestyle, not any one specific thing. It is not an easy task and definitely not for the faint of heart. Plus, when symptom treatment is no longer successful in providing for basic daily function, disease has set in and it is an arduous process to reverse course. However, as long as the cells have not given up, there is enough strength and reserve capacity, and the cells have the tools described herein, they will work to restore function and relieve the burden of suffering along the way. Let Symptometry be the guide to optimal health in a symptom-free, disease-free body. The cells will be eternally grateful and reward a compliant person in countless and immeasurable ways.


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717 Green Valley Road Ste 200

Greensboro, NC  27408-2516

Elizabeth A Wanek, MD
The Wanek Medical Center

Tel: 1 336 545 1020

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